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Elona quimperiana [Elona quimperiana]的分佈就是一種隔離分佈。

隔離分佈disjunct distribution),亦作不連續分佈discontinuous distribution)或异域分布,是生物地理学名词,指两个相關連的生物群的活动范围完全分隔,以致不会同时在同一个地方出现;而這兩個活動範圍內的生物可以是相同或不同的物種分類單元。因為地理上的隔絕而被分為兩組或更多相關的分佈 (生物) [分布 (生物)]地域。 隔離分佈的成因不儘相同:可能表明物種範圍的擴大或收縮,使本來相連的分佈地域被隔開[1]


環境的改變,例如造山運動造山運動大陆漂移海平面上升,都可能是分佈範圍零碎化的原因;或會令生物往新的地區遷徙, by such means as Oceanic dispersal [Oceanic dispersal], or other animals transporting an organism to a new location (plant seeds consumed by birds and animals can be moved to new locations during bird or animal migrations, and those seeds can be deposited in new locations in fecal matter). Other conditions that can produce disjunct distributions include: flooding, or changes in wind, stream, and current flows, plus others such as anthropogenic introduction of alien 外來物種 either accidentally or deliberately (agriculture and horticulture).


Disjunct distributions can occur when suitable 棲息地 is 生境破碎化, which produces fragmented populations, and when that fragmentation becomes so divergent that species movement between one suitable habitat to the next is disrupted, isolated population can be produced. Extinctions can cause disjunct distribution, especially in areas where only scattered areas are habitable by a species;[2] for instance, island chains or specific elevations along a mountain range or areas along a coast or between bodies of water like streams, lakes and ponds.[3]


There are many patterns of disjunct distributions at many scales: Irano-Turanian disjunction, Europe - East Asia, Europe-South Africa (e.g. genus 歐石楠), Mediterranean-Hoggart disjunction (genus 木犀榄属), etc.

Lusitanian distribution[]

File:Geomalacus maculosus map.png

The range map of Geomalacus maculosus [Geomalacus maculosus] shows a 'Lusitanian' distribution.

This kind of disjunct distribution of a species, such that it occurs in 伊比利亚半岛 and in 爱尔兰岛, without any intermediate localities, is usually called "Lusitanian" (named after the Roman Province 盧西塔尼亞, corresponding roughly to modern-day 葡萄牙). Examples of animal species with a Lusitanian distribution are: the Kerry slug Geomalacus maculosus [Geomalacus maculosus] and the 比利牛斯山 glass snail Semilimax pyrenaicus [Semilimax pyrenaicus]. Plant species with this kind of distribution include several Calluna [Calluna] species (Calluna spp.) and the 草莓樹 (Arbutus unedo). The theory behind the name "Lusitanian" is now discredited; it posited that there was an ice-free land mass that served as a Refugium (population biology) [Refugium (population biology)] off of the south-west of Ireland during the 第四紀 (last) 冰期. In this refugium, relic fauna and flora from a previous ice-free period survived until the present warmer 冰段 period末次冰期 or to 第四纪冰河时期?-->. Although the theory is no longer accepted, the term Lusitanian is still used as a descriptive term for faunal elements such as the Kerry slug.

Recently a better explanation of the occurrence of the Kerry slug and similar faunal elements in southwestern Ireland has been developed. This new theory is supported by two recent discoveries: the genetic similarity of much of Fauna of Ireland [Fauna of Ireland] to that of northern Spain, and the genetic similarity of much of Ireland's human population to that of northern Spain. Mascheretti et al. (2003)[4] examined the genotypes of 小鼩鼱, a small mammal, across its range in Europe. The Irish population showed close genetic affinity to a population from 安道尔 but not to that of 大不列顛島 or other places in Europe. The genetic structure of the population further showed that the entire Irish population of the Eurasian pygmy shrew had originated from a single 奠基者效应. The authors concluded that it had been introduced in the early (旧石器时代) or middle (中石器時代) 石器時代, by boat, probably from south-west Europe. This coincides with work on human populations, which found[5][6] a strong 遗传学 similarity in make-up between populations in western Ireland and in northern Spain. This would be explained by a human migration from Spain to Ireland in the late Paleolithic or early 中石器時代. It seems increasingly likely that much of Ireland's Lusitanian fauna is in reality an artefact of this era of human expansion in the early part of the Postglacial era. In other words, it seems likely that these species were introduced accidentally with trade items or goods brought by boat from Iberia.


  • 分佈 (生物) [分布 (生物)]
  • 异域物种形成
  • 棲息地
    • 生境破碎化
  • 華萊士線


  1. Tallis, J. H. (1991) in (Iŋgliš/English). Plant community history. 2. London u.a.: Chapman and Hall. pp. 140–43. ISBN 0-412-30320-5. 
  2. Ernst Mayr, Jared Diamond; Douglas Pratt, Color Plates by H. (2001), The birds of northern Melanesia : speciation, ecology & biogeography, 2, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 257, ISBN 0-19-514170-9 
  3. Tomascik, Tomas (1997) in (Iŋgliš/English). The ecology of the Indonesian seas. 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 842. ISBN 962-593-163-5. 
  4. "How did pygmy shrews colonize Ireland? Clues from a phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences" (in en) (2003n). 'Proc. Roy. Soc. B' 270: 1593-1599. 
  5. Hill E. W., Jobling M. A. & Bradley D. G. 2000. Y chromosome variation and Irish origins. Nature 404: 351.
  6. McEvoy B., Richards M., Forster P. & Bradley D. G. 2004. The longue durée of genetic ancestry: multiple 遗传标记 systems and Celtic origins on the Atlantic facade of Europe. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 75: 693-702.



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