Babyish Wiki
Dandelion and burdock is a soft drink that has long been popular in the United Kingdom. Burdock is believed to be a galactagogue, a substance that increases lactation. Póugūŋyīŋ en Gobou wa rūt bīr dè 1-zúŋ, tradiçionol en popyulā dè Iŋglènd yùmmimàt meiken from póugūŋyīŋ en gobourūts. 蒲公英牛蒡飲料是一種傳統的英國式飲料,利用已發酵的蒲公英牛蒡的根部釀製,是一種不尋常不過又感覺不錯的有氣飲料。


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Smallwikipedialogo This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at Dandelion and burdock. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Babyish Wiki, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU Free Documentation License. Nigè peij kontein kontent from Wikipidia. Orijinol-dè artikol-wa à Dandelion and burdock, en ano-artikol dè òŧā list ga à edit històry peij. Seim as Babyish Wiki, kontent from Wikipidia ga koncrolen bai GNU Free Documentation License. 本頁面利用了來自維基百科的內容,原文是Dandelion and burdock。原文的作者列表可以參考編輯歷史頁面。正如Babyish Wiki一樣,維基百科的內容都依從GNU Free Documentation License條件發布。
