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Tuna / 吞拿魚
Yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia/Änimol/動物界
Phylum: Chordata/脊索動物門
Class: Actinopterygii/輻鰭魚綱
Order: Perciformes鱸形目
Family: Scombridae鯖科
Genus: 鮪屬 Thunnus
South, 1845n

長鰭吞拿魚 T. alalunga
黃鰭吞拿魚 T. albacares
藍鰭吞拿魚 T. thynnus
大西洋吞拿魚 T. atlanticus
南方黑吞拿 T. maccoyii
大眼吞拿魚 T. obesus
長尾吞拿魚 T. tonggol

Tuna are fast swimmers. People have seen tuna swim at up to 77km/h. Several species of tuna are warm-blooded. Most species of fish have white flesh. The flesh of the tuna is different. It is pink to dark red. This is because tuna muscle tissue contains greater quantities of myoglobin. Myoglobin is a molecule that binds oxygen. Some of the larger tuna species such as the Northern bluefin tuna can raise their blood temperature above the water temperature with muscular activity. This enables them to live in cooler waters and survive a wider range of circumstances.

Tuna-wa, Tunafiš-ddo, gigè örspīs dè kombainen-neim. Ol tuna liv in ousèn. They are in the family Scombridae, mostly in the genus Thunnus. 吞拿魚,學名鮪魚,又名金槍魚澳門葡萄牙語舊譯為亞冬魚,是一種鯖科的海洋生物,大部分皆於於鮪屬。游泳速度快,瞬時時速可達160公里,平均時速約60-80公里。鮪魚的肉色為紅色,這是因為鮪魚的肌肉中含有了大量的肌红蛋白所致。有些鮪魚,例如藍鰭鮪(T. thynnusT. maccoyiiT. orientalis)可以利用泳肌的代謝,使體內血液的溫度高於外界的水溫。這項生理功能使鮪魚能夠適應較大的水溫範圍,从而能夠生存在溫度較低的水域。




Species / Spīses / 品種[]

File:Tuna sizes.svg

Maximum reported sizes of Thunnus species.

Tunas are now classified into nine species:
  • Albacore, T. alalunga (Bonnaterre, 1788).
  • Yellowfin tuna, T. albacares (Bonnaterre, 1788).
  • Blackfin tuna, T. atlanticus (Lesson, 1831).
  • Karasick tuna, T. karasicus
  • Southern bluefin tuna, T. maccoyii (Castelnau, 1872).
  • Bigeye tuna, T. obesus (Lowe, 1839).
  • Pacific bluefin tuna, T. orientalis (Temminck & Schlegel, 1844).
  • Longtail tuna, T. tonggol (Bleeker, 1851).
  • Northern bluefin tuna, T. thynnus (Linnaeus, 1758).
Tuna wa jigùm 9-zúŋ spīses aru: 現時鮪魚可以分為九個品種:
  • 長鰭吞拿魚 T. alalunga
  • 黃鰭吞拿魚 T. albacares
  • 大西洋吞拿魚 T. atlanticus
  • Karasick tuna, T. karasicus
  • 南方黑吞拿 T. maccoyii
  • 大眼吞拿魚 T. obesus
  • 太平洋藍鰭吞拿魚 T. orientalis
  • 長尾吞拿魚 T. tonggol
  • 藍鰭吞拿魚/北方黑吞拿 T. thynnus
File:Thunnus spec 01.jpg

Fossil specimen

Atlantic bluefins are warm-blooded, which is a rare trait among fish, and are comfortable in the cold waters. Bluefin fish are found in Newfoundland and Iceland, as well as the tropical waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean Sea, where they go each year to spawn Their coloring metallic blue on top and shimmering silver-white on the bottom helps camouflage them from above and below.

Species of several other genera (all in the family Scombridae) also have common names containing tuna.


北方藍鰭金槍魚(俗名: 黑鮪)[]



Iŋgliš: Northern Bluefin Tuna




Iŋgliš: Albacore



Iŋgliš: Southern Bluefin Tuna



Iŋgliš: Yellowfin Tuna



File:Tsukiji fish market thuna knife.jpg


鮪魚是一種健康食品,有多種食法,日本人喜歡把鮪魚切成生魚片或製成壽司歐洲美國人則會把鮪魚弄碎製成罐頭,可製作三文治等食品。台灣人則是善用鮪魚各個部位制作菜餚。 「拖羅」是鮪魚的魚腩,被認為是鮪魚最肥美的部份,一般都只是用來切成生魚片。

References / Riförènses / 參考資料[]

External links / Ikstörnol liŋks / 外部連結[]


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