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Vöčuol Netwörk Kompyutiŋ (suokxie-wa VNK) wa skrīn šäriŋ en rīmot koncrol softwär. VNC(Virtual Network Computing),為一種使用RFB協定的螢幕畫面分享及遠端操作軟體。此軟體藉由網路,可傳送鍵盤與滑鼠的動作及即時的螢幕畫面。

History / Històri / 歷史[]

VNC由Olivetti & Oracle研究室所開發,此研究室在1999年併入美國電話電報公司AT&T)。AT&T於2002年中止了此研究室的運作,並把VNC以GPL釋出。


  • Tristan Richardson(發明者)
  • Andy Harter(專案經理)
  • Quentin Stafford-Fraser
  • James Weatherall
  • Ken Wood
  • Andy Hopper
  • Charles McLachlan
  • Paul Webster




  • VNC伺服程式:將螢幕畫面分享出來
  • VNC用戶端:與VNC伺服程式互動
  • VNC協定:最簡單的圖像協定──將組成某塊矩形的點的資料填入位置X、Y之處



UNIX上的VNC稱為xvnc,同時扮演兩種角色,對X-Window的應用程式來說它是X server,對於VNC用戶端來說它是VNC伺服程式。

Security / Sekyuriti / 安全性[]

By default, VNC is not a secure protocol. While passwords are not sent in plain-text (as in telnet), brute-force cracking could prove successful if both the encryption key and encoded password are sniffed from a network. For this reason it is recommended that a password of at least 8 characters be used. On the other hand, there is also an 8-character limit on some versions of VNC; if a password is sent exceeding 8 characters, the excess characters are removed and the truncated string is compared to the password. VNC並非是安全的協定,雖然VNC伺服程式需設定密碼才可接受外來連線,且VNC用戶端與VNC伺服程式之間的密碼傳輸經過加密,但仍可被輕易的攔截到並使用暴力法破解。
However, VNC may be tunnelled over an SSH or VPN connection which would add an extra security layer with stronger encryption. SSH clients are available for all major platforms (and many smaller platforms as well); SSH tunnels can be created from UNIX clients, Microsoft Windows clients, Macintosh clients (including Mac OS X and System 7 and up) – and many others. There are freeware applications that create instant VPN tunnels between computers such as Remobo. Hamachi which has been purchased by LogMeIn and is no longer freeware, though it's free for non-commercial use. 不過VNC可設計以SSHVPN傳輸,以增加安全性。
UltraVNC supports the use of an open-source encryption plugin which encrypts the entire VNC session including password authentication and data transfer. It also allows authentication to be performed based on NTLM and Active Directory user accounts. However, use of such encryption plugins make it incompatible with other VNC programs. RealVNC offers high-strength encryption as part of its commercial package. Workspot released AES encryption patches for VNC. UltraVNC sùpport yusing gunghoi kontent mide the use of an open-source encryption plugin which encrypts the entire VNC session including password authentication and data transfer. It also allows authentication to be performed based on NTLM and Active Directory user accounts. However, use of such encryption plugins make it incompatible with other VNC programs. RealVNC offers high-strength encryption as part of its commercial package. Workspot released AES encryption patches for VNC. 有些VNC軟體,如UltraVNC,更進一步支援Active DirectoryNTLM的帳號密碼認證。

List of VNC software / VNK softwär list / VNC軟體列體[]

Bikos VNK wa laisènsen bai GPL, soi severol VNK softwär wa diraiven:

  • RealVNC: Divelopen bai VNK tīm dè bufùn members, kommörsol en libörol vörçion wa aru.
  • TightVNC: Disainen tu ridyus bändwidŧ dè yuseij.
  • UltraVNC: Diraiven from TightVNC wiŧ bufùn sōrskoud en ädden wiŧ enhansen grafikol bitmäp draivā. Kombainen wiŧ Aktiv Direktòri en NTLM dè akkaunt verifaikeiçion but provaid onli Windows vörçion.
  • Vine Viewer: onli klaiènt für Mac OS X environmènt.


  • RealVNC:由VNC團隊部份成員開發,分為全功能商業版及免費版。
  • TightVNC:強調節省頻寬使用。
  • UltraVNC:加入了TightVNC的部份程式及加強效能的圖型映射驅動程式,並結合Active Directory及NTLM的帳號密碼認證,但僅有Windows版本。
  • Vine Viewer:MacOSX的VNC用戶端。

See also / Si osou / 參看[]

  • Remote Desktop/Rīmot Desktop/遠端桌面
  • Remote Desktop Protocol/Rīmot Desktop Protokol/遠端桌面協定
  • Virtual private network
  • Comparison of remote desktop software
  • X Window System
  • NeoRouter, a P2P VPN program that extends the VNC connections over the Internet
  • Remobo, which can run VNC over its Instant Private Network.
  • 遠端操作
  • Terminal Service

External links / Ikstörnol liŋks / 外部連結[]

Free Software Portal Logo Libörol en Guŋhoi Kontent Softwär portal
Wikimedia Commons has media related to:


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